ISO 14001
ISO 14001标准是一种环境管理系统,以协助公司识别、确定优先次序和管理其环境风险的一部分。该系统允许该公司将重点放在最重要的问题其业务上。并要求公司致力于,在正常的管理周期内预防污染和部分持续改进。
- Improves image, projects an image of a more eco-friendly company
- Reduces resident's/stakeholders/community environmental complaints and gains the support of customers
- Decreases the violation of environmental regulations and increases the ability to react to new regulations
- Increases partnership opportunities with interested parties (government, customer, insurance company, bond bank, etc.)
- Decreases expenses for the handling of waste and cuts demand for raw materials and energy
- Reduces risk of environmental or safety accidents
- Enhances pride amongst employees by improving environment
- Expands market competitiveness
KR已获得由韩国产业政府提供的9个地区 的KSA 9000认证业务管理如下:
- 17. 基本金属及金属制品业
- 18. 机械及设备
- 19. 电气设备及光学用品
- 20. 造船
- 21. 航空航天
- 22. 其他运输设备
- 31. 运输,仓库及通讯
- 35. 其他服务
- 36. 公共行政